The power of writing to heal....

Journaling is a powerful practice that can positively impact your life in various ways. By dedicating time to write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences regularly, you unlock a range of insights.

I’ve been journalling on and off since childhood - some I’ve kept and can look back on fondly, especially when I read my 10 year old self. Others can be painful to revisit but it also brings renewed compassion to myself, which is something I’ve grown into over the years (recovering perfectionist that I am)  

Writing and journalling enhances self-awareness. It provides a safe space to explore your emotions and reflect on your life. This self-reflection can lead to better understanding of your goals, values, and areas for personal growth.

It can reduce stress and anxiety. Expressing your worries and concerns on paper can be therapeutic, helping you to process difficult emotions and gain a sense of control over them. This year I’ve adopted a practice of the morning pages of journaling.

Basically I have to write 3 pages FIRST THING - even if I just write repeatly ‘I don’t know what to wrire..’ Better than checking emails and getting straight into work or social media, and kinder to my soul. 

Journalling helps with problem-solving. When you write down challenges you face, you can brainstorm solutions and track your progress. This can improve decision-making and goal achievement. Winning!! Can testify to that.

Additionally, journaling preserves memories. Documenting your experiences creates a valuable record of your life journey, which you can look back on with nostalgia and learn from.

So, those who I have worked with on journeys of recovery are likely to be familiar with my encouragement of this practice, and the various and creative ways we use it. 

Whilst it isn’t for everyone (some of us are more cognitive processors and prefer to think than write), there is definately a power in our written word and making our thoughts tangible. 

It empowers you to connect with yourself, manage your emotions, problem-solve effectively, and create a tangible history of your life. It's a simple yet profound tool for personal growth and well-being.

With loving kindness,

From Miranda

Miranda Watkins