Our Partners


Josh Langley- Inspiring Kids

Teaching kids essential life skills that will have a big impact on their lives right now and as they grow up!

Books, video programs and school talks.

Website: https://joshlangley.com.au/

Nuture and Blossom

One-on-one personalised support to help you solve your baby's sleep struggles and promote quality sleep. 

Phone: 0426 214 822

Email: rosie@nurtureandblossom.com.au


Phoenix Support for Educators

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary and confidential service, to support employees who have personal concerns that affect their personal wellbeing and / or work performance.

This EAP is specifically designed for educators and teachers. The program is a collaboration between Evolve Wellbeing Psychologists, and Phoenix Support for Educators.  

The Phoenix Cups

The Phoenix Cups Framework will help you understand how to meet your most important life needs, and the needs of those around you, by discovering what Cups you need to keep full, how they influence behaviours, and how you can use them to build relationships in all aspects of life

Website: https://www.phoenixcups.com.au/

Email: hello@phoenixcups.com.au

Phone: 1300 934 070